People ask me why I started Multiviewing. I tell them it started from a feeling of dissatisfaction. I got tired of feeling bad about our current state of affairs on this planet and decided to finally do something different about it. I've never been one to follow the crowd for very long and I've always been a pretty creative person, so I finally just agreed to follow my intuition and bring to life something that was nipping at my heels for a while.
Growing up, I felt very different. I was super sensitive and did my best to fit in as much as I could, but I knew deep down that fitting in really wasn't for me. Having experienced a lot growing up, I understood the world to be a place of both hard lessons and miracles. As I got older, I learned to appreciate my trials as learning experiences and thus developed a unique way of embracing what I considered to be natural instincts that aparently set me apart from others.
I wasn't as concerned with my life as I was with my mission to help people heal and transform. I found myself falling into the trap of many sensitives by not realizing that if I really wanted to help others I had to start with myself. Things started really shifting for me then, so I began paying attention to my intuition and making conscious decisions based upon what I consider to be a deep, Divine connection.
In my twenties, I began giving readings for people out of my home at the gentle nudging of a dear friend. At this point, I was teaching yoga, pursuing a performing career and training as a metaphysician, so the idea of me speaking aloud what I was sensing from the world around me wasn't such a stretch. The process wasn't instant, but I continued to surprise myself and others with the accuracy of my interpretations.
I noticed there were patterns involving areas in a person's life they consistantly wanted clarity on. These were: Health, Love, Career/Finances, and their Past/Present/Future; all of which I would touch upon in readings. Many people had deep yearnings for closure with past loved ones. As I tuned more into other energies within our session, it became increasingly apparent that there was another world out there that people had unlimited access to; the only deterrent was their beliefs surrounding its existence.
Multiviewing acts to break down barriers to a client experiencing their Highest good and Best life in the here and now. This program exposes individual and collective paradigms and presents ways to view existing alternatives for the client's reflection. By dedicating each month of the program to certain themes, clients and I are able to go deeper into the subconscious aspects of their paradigms and examine what is working, what is not, and potential ways to heal and transform themselves and the world.